Saturday, November 16, 2013

Change (it is a good thing)

Nick and I have officially switched adoption programs. :)

We are now adopting from the Republic of Georgia! About a month or so ago our case worker for Bulgaria notified us of an eight month old baby girl in the Republic of Georgia. As soon as we heard about her, Nick and I were praying and thinking about it non-stop. We really believe that God has called us to switch countries for her, so we did. She is not going to available for international adoption until she is 12 months old, and we really do not know much about her yet because the agency's doctor has not been able to visit her because she is currently in foster care, so this is really just a leap of faith on our part.

In other news, Nick and I have finished all of our interviews/meetings with our social worker! On Tuesday the Fire Marshall is coming to inspect our apartment, and then on Friday the Sanitation Inspector will be doing the same thing. I am getting kind of nervous about them coming. Both Nick and I will be cleaning/organizing like mad people. hahaha

Nick and I have a new fundraising site:
(It is simply a site where people can support us through their donations)

And as always, please keep us in your prayers!