Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Yard Sale = Sucess

After putting up many flyers and getting the word out as the best we could (Facebook, Craigslist, and word of mouth), our yard sale turnout was amazing!

*The flyers we posted.

*Us by our signage. Nick can never take a normal picture....

*Our yard sale from the sidewalk. We had a table and boxes set up on our lawn too.
We decided to set our yard sale goal a bit high ($800), because we wanted to stretch our expectations for the sale and see what our God could do. Even though we had a few big items, we lacked quite a bit of smaller/regular yard sale items. Still, we ended up raising $788! Woohooo! The money made from the yard sale will be directed to helping pay for the rest of the home study program (approximately $1700 due).

I just want to take a moment and recognize all of the wonderful friends that Nick and I have made in Baltimore. Thank you for your donations of items, time, and money! A special thanks to Brian and Victoria for all of the wonderful items that you donated for the yard sale. Ashley, with your bottles of water and baked cookies, you were at the yard sale in spirit. Dan, for lending us the table that helped keep our yard sale items off the wet ground as well as the items you donated. A large thanks to all our friends that came out and supported us by buying items and donating to our cause: Angela, Kimi, and Jon.! Everything that you all did helped make it a big success, and it would not have been the same without you. Thank you so so much! And of course, a sincere thank you to all our neighbors that stopped by and contributed to the success of our yard sale.

The first meeting with our social worker will be this Friday. We will be going over all the necessary documentation required by the agency to go ahead with our adoption. Our home study has official begun!


  1. Elise have you thought about doing the bake sale at church yet.

    1. Yes, we will probably do something after summer is over. :)
